Using The Tracker The Tracker is one of AMP Radio's most impressive streaming features, allowing users to quickly sort through all of the available stations around the world without opening a sluggish browser or third party application. The Tracker Window   Choosing A Genre To view a genre, simply open it's folder, and AMP Radio will load all the stations for that genre. Refreshing To force a genre to refresh, close it, then press the Command key as you reopen it.The tracker server updates every five minutes, so it's information is always poppin' fresh. Refresh Indicator When the arrows in the lower-left corner are spinning, the tracker is retrieving information from its server. Tracker Information The tracker displays three separate columns of information. The second, Name, is the name and information that the station puts out. The second, Users, is the current number of users over the maximum number of users(ie 4 users are connected/16 users maximum can be connected). If the station has reached its limit of listeners, it will be displayed in red. The third, Bitrate, is the bitrate the station is broadcast at. Use this as a guide for acceptable stations. For example, a 24 bit stream will require much of the attention of a 28.8 modem, while playing fine on a 56k or higher modem. Sorting the Tracker The tracker can be sorted in two ways. Clicking "Name" will sort the stations alphabetically, by station information. Clicking "Bitrate" puts the tracker in order from highest bitrate stations to lowest. Click the ascension triangle in the upper right of the tracker to reverse these orders. Searching the Tracker The tracker can easily be searched for keywords. Select "Find" from the "File" menu, or get the Find dialogue box by pressing (Command-F). Next, enter the text to search for. The tracker will find the first instance of this text in a station name. Choose "Find Again" from the "File" Menu, or press (Command-G) to cycle to the next occurance of this text.